Frequently asked questions

Tutoring Related FAQ's

  • What subjects do you offer tutoring for?
    We offer tutoring services for a wide range of subjects, specializing in Math & English. Please contact us for specific subject inquiries.
  • How do I enroll my child in your K-12 tutoring program?
    Enrolling your child is easy. Simply visit our website, select the course under ‘Our Courses’, and fill out the registration form. Then our team will contact you to set up a schedule. In case of any issues during the process, please contact us..
  • Are your instructors qualified and experienced?
    Yes, each student works with mostly the same tutor as we understand the importance of consistency and building a rapport between the student and the tutor.
  • What is the duration of each tutoring session?
    Our tutoring sessions typically last either 45 minutes for on-the-go tutoring or 60 minutes for regular sessions. This duration ensures an effective learning experience while accommodating different scheduling needs.
  • Is there a minimum or maximum number of sessions my child needs to attend?
    We enroll students for a minimum of four sessions but the student can attend as many as they want thereafter. Please check our K-12 page for recommendations.
  • How can I track my child's progress?
    We provide regular progress reports. These reports outline the topics covered, areas of improvement, and any additional recommendations. You can also communicate with the tutor directly to receive updates on your child's progress. You can also join in and spectate!
  • Are the tutoring sessions one-on-one or group based?
    Our tutoring sessions can be customized based on your preference. We offer both one-on-one sessions and group based sessions, depending on your child's specific needs and learning style.
  • Do you offer specialized tutoring for students with learning disabilities?
    Yes, we understand the unique challenges faced by students with learning disabilities. We offer specialized tutoring programs tailored to their needs, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and accommodations. Several members of our team have experience in working with students with learning disabilities.
  • Can I reschedule a tutoring session if I am unable to attend at the scheduled time?
    We require a notice of at least 24 hours in order to reschedule a session, otherwise the session will be marked as a no show.

Essential Skills Related FAQ's

  • How do I request Essential Skills Training for my employees?
    To request soft skills training for your employees, please reach out to our team through the contact information provided on our website. Our program advisor will then gather requirements and make recommendations accordingly.
  • Are the Essential Skills courses live or self paced?
    All our Essentials Skills courses are live with an experienced instructor. We find the students respond and understand the material better this way.
  • How big are the groups?
    Each group consists of at least three students and a maximum of six. They can be either part of an organization or individuals looking for some training.

Platform Related FAQ's

  • How does the virtual tutoring platform work?
    Our virtual tutoring platform provides a secure and interactive learning environment. Students securely log in to our platform using the credentials provided by our team or when they sign up.
  • What technology or software do I need to access the virtual tutoring sessions?
    You will need a computer, laptop, or mobile device with a stable internet connection. We recommend using the latest version of a modern web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
  • How do I troubleshoot audio or video issues during a virtual session?
    If you experience audio or video issues during a session, first check your device's audio and video settings to ensure they are correctly configured. If the problem persists, try refreshing the page or restarting your device and reconnecting to the virtual classroom. You can email or call us if you still face issues despite taking the above measures.
  • What should I do if I encounter connectivity issues during a session?
    If you experience connectivity issues, try moving closer to your Wi-Fi router or connecting to a more stable network. If possible, use a wired internet connection for a more reliable experience.
  • How secure is my personal information after I sign up?
    We prioritize the security and privacy of our users. We utilize encryption protocols and secure authentication methods to protect your personal information and ensure a safe virtual classroom environment.
  • I forgot my password. What should I do?
    If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page. Follow the instructions to reset your password and regain access to your account.
  • How do I change my password?
    You can change your password by logging in to your account, accessing the account settings section, and selecting the option to change your password.

Payment & Refund Related FAQ's

  • What are the payment methods accepted on your platform?
    We accept various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and popular online payment platforms such as PayPal. The available payment options will be displayed during the checkout process.
  • Is my payment information secure?
    Yes, we take the security of your payment information seriously. Our platform uses secure encryption protocols to protect your sensitive data, and we comply with industry standards to ensure secure transactions.
  • Are there any additional fees apart from the course price?
    In most cases, the course price displayed on our website is all-inclusive. However, there might be rare instances where additional fees, such as examination fees or optional course materials, are mentioned separately. These details will be provided in the course description.
  • Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied with the course?
    We strive to provide a high-quality learning experience, but if you are not satisfied with a course, we can offer partial refunds for the unused sessions, within 14 days of signing up. Please contact us and we will guide you through the process.
  • What is the refund process timeline?
    The refund process timeline can vary depending on various factors, including the payment method used and the complexity of the refund request. Typically, refunds are processed within a few business days once the request is approved. However, it may take longer for the funds to be reflected in your account, depending on the payment provider.
  • Can I transfer my course enrollment to someone else?
    Generally, course enrollments are non-transferable. However, if you have a specific situation where you need to transfer your enrollment, please contact our support team, and they will assess your request on a case-by-case basis.
  • What happens if there is a technical issue during the payment process?
    If you encounter a technical issue during the payment process, such as a transaction error or payment failure, please reach out to our support team immediately. They will assist you in resolving the issue and ensure that your payment is processed successfully.
  • Do you offer installment payment plans?
    In some cases, we may offer installment payment plans for certain courses or bundles. These options will be clearly outlined during the course enrollment process, indicating the number of installments, payment dates, and any associated fees or terms. Otherwise, please contact us with your request and we'll guide you through the process.
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